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Support for IsraTV roku app

תמיכה באפליקצית הרוקו: ישרא-טיוי

Welcome to IsraTV (private) Roku App support page

Long story short - Roku's requirements for applications to be posted in the app store are a bit too much for me to deal with on a very part-time hobby basis (I barely use the app myself). For a while I made my orginal app available for side-loading, but that older app is now incompatibile with latest Roku OS (11.5.x and up). I'm now making available an incomplete 2nd generation version of the app, and doing so with a reduced number of channels till I can work some of he kinks. Download this ZIP and side-load it but check back often to see if a later version is available. Here's a good tuorial on side-loading. Follow steps One, through Three in that tutorial but using the following ZIP file in step Three.

» Gen2 Zipfile for sideload. (v1.99.9003) «

If all goes well the app would now upload and launch. It would (always) appear as the last app in the channel list.

Legacy devices:

If you have older roku devices that were sunset and have a lower Roku OS version you can try to side-load the last known working v1.x version of this app.

» Legacy app Zipfile for sideload. «